


At Highland Nonprofit Consulting, we use a participatory, utilization-focused approach to evaluation that is designed to capture information that can easily be used to strengthen your programs. We work collaboratively with you to identify specific, measurable and realistic program goals and assess how best to measure progress towards achieving those goals. As part of our performance monitoring, we provide you with recommendations for improving program implementation and achieving stronger outcomes. Finally, we will build your capacity to understand and effectively utilize evaluation findings. 


Want to propel your organization to a higher level of performance and shift your organization’s culture to one of continual learning and growth? Jenn has coached, trained and supported nonprofit and Foundation leaders in all aspects of evaluation design, implementation and utilization. Take advantage of one-on-one impact coaching and/or organization-wide evaluation training and technical assistance. Offering a customized and individually tailored approach, we train and coach nonprofit and Foundation leaders in how to effectively measure impact and build a culture of learning within your organization.


Need assistance developing program goals and outcomes and measuring progress towards achieving those goals? Jenn has over 20 years of experience of designing and implementing evaluations that effectively measure impact and provide actionable results that can easily be applied to improve programs and inform future strategies.  Jenn develops performance measurement tools and systems that staff can utilize, thereby increasing your capacity to implement and continually build upon your performance measurement processes. 

Data Visualization & Reporting

Do you struggle with taking evaluation results and translating them into actionable recommendations? Jenn utilizes innovative and effective data visualization techniques to transform findings into compelling visuals that tell the story of your organization and its impact. She works with you and your key stakeholders to interpret and make sense of key findings and then weaves the information together into meaningful stories that demonstrate your impact.